Right to Information Act.
1.The particulars of its organization, functions and duties
To conduct mission oriented research for improvement of horticultural crops and development of horticulture based cropping system under arid environment and to act as a repository of information related to arid horticulture, the National Research Centre for Arid Horticulture (NRCAH) was established at Bikaner, which became functional in April, 1993. Considering the peculiar agro-climatic conditions of arid region, the large number of horticultural crops and a wide range of disciplines that are involved to develop usable technologies for horticultural sustenance in the region, a holistic approach was required which could not be taken under the limited mandate of NRCAH. Therefore, the working Group on Agricultural Research and Education for formulation of IX Five Year Plan of ICAR/DARE, Ministry of Agriculture, proposed upgradation of NRCAH to a level of an Institute. Thus, on the recommendation of a High Power Committee was constituted by ICAR and with the concurrence of Planning Commission, Govt. of India, the NRC for Arid Horticulture was upgraded to Central Institute for Arid Horticulture on 27th September, 2000, so as to broaden its mandate from the mission oriented to holistic research incorporating work on potentially economic crops of arid region. Further, to consolidate the research in the region the Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Godhra (earlier functioning under the administrative control of IIHR, Bengaluru) was also integrated with CIAH w.e.f. 01.10.2000.
The institute is also shouldering the responsibility to carry out research and developmental activities of the All India Coordinated Research Project on Arid Zone Fruits which is spread at eighteen centers (4 ICAR Institutes and 11 SAUs) in eleven States.
The Institute has the following objectives:
CIAH, Bikaner is the research institute under ICAR with a national mandate on arid and semi arid horticultural crops. The institute is organized into the following divisions/sections for the purpose of research:
This division coordinates research in the following disciplines
This division coordinates research in the following disciplines
The administration of the institute is headed by an Administrative Officer and supported by two Assistant Administrative Officers and FAO. They are assisted by Assistants, Senior Clerks, Junior Clerks and other supporting staff.
ICAR-CIAH is a Unit of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). Director of the institute shall exercise such powers for their functioning as are delegated by the Governing Body or any authority of the ICAR.
The Director is assisted in the execution and implementation of various programmes by Scientists, Administrative Officer and Finance and Accounts Officer. The Institute Management Committee (IMC) guides and supports the Director by periodic review of programmes and approval of investments in new areas of research institute, training programmes, workshops and seminars. The Research Advisory Committee (RAC) and Institute Research Council (IRC) provide broad guidelines and assist in developing and implementing specific research programmes and projects.
The norms are set by the ICAR Headquarters, New Delhi. The various functions carried out by the Institute are indicated in the mission, mandate and objectives of the institute.
ICAR-CIAH is a Unit of ICAR, New Delhi. ICAR follows GOI rules mutatis mutandis, besides Agricultural Research Service rules, Technical Service Rules specially designed for Scientists and Technical personnel in ICAR. The Institute follows the rules, regulation and instructions as followed by ICAR and as indicated in the manuals and records of ICAR, New Delhi.
Vision 2020, 2050
Annual reports
The particulars of any arrangements that exists for consultation with, or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation there of, the Institute is guided and supported by Institute Management Committee (IMC) and Research Advisory Committee (RAC). Both the IMC and RAC have two members in its composition who are drawn from the public, who take active part in the deliberations and decisions of these committees. The IMC guides and supports the institute by periodic review of programmes and approval of investments in new areas of research and education, training programmes, workshops and seminars. The Research Advisory Committee (RAC) and Institute Research Council (IRC) provide broad guidelines and assist in developing and implementing specific research programmes and projects.
A statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public.
The IMC, RAC, and IRC are the committees, which help the Institute in guiding and implementing its various programmes and activities. The Composition of these committees is as per the guidelines of ICAR Headquarters, New Delhi. The proceedings of these meetings can be provided on demand.
List of employees with their salary particulars are being updated
Plan-wise growth of budget (in Lakh Rupees)
Sl.No. Plan period Plan Non-Plan Total
Technical bulletins
Vision document
The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use The information about the various details of the Institute are put up on the ICAR-CIAH website, http://www.ciah.ernet.in This information, put up on the web, is accessible to the public.
Dr. Jagadish Rane
Director and Fist Appealing Authority,
ICAR-CIAH, Beechwal, Bikaner – 334 006 Rajasthan
Phone : 0151–2250960, 2250147
E-mail: ciah@nic.in
Sh. Akhil Thukral
Administrative Officer and Head of the Office,
ICAR-CIAH, Beechwal, Bikaner – 334 006 Rajasthan
Phone : 0151–2250960, 2250147
E-mail: ciah@nic.in
Dr. Dhurendra Singh
Principal Scientist and Nodal Officer, RTI
ICAR-CIAH, Beechwal, Bikaner – 334 006 Rajasthan
Phone : 0151–2250960, 2250147
E-mail: ciah@nic.in
Dr. M.K. Berwal
Sr. Scientist and Transperancy Officer, ICAR-CIAH,
Beechwal, Bikaner- 334 006 Rajasthan
Ph: 0151–2253123, 2250960, 2250147
E-mail: ciah@nic.in
Mr. B.R. Khatri
Sr. Technical Officer and CPIO, ICAR-CIAH,
Beechwal, Bikaner- 334 006 Rajasthan
Ph: 0151–2253123, 2250960, 2250147
E-mail: ciah@nic.in
Mode of seeking information:
The relevant provisions of the Act towards charging fee are as under:
A request for obtaining information under Sub-section (1) of Section 6 shall be accompanied by an application fee of Rs.10.00 by way of cash against proper receipt or by demand draft in the name of the ‘The ICAR Unit - CIAH, Punjab National Bank, Samta Nagar, Bikaner or as modified by CIC from time to time.
The information can also be obtained by filling application online as detailed by CIC, New Delhi.