भाकृअनुप-केंद्रीय शुष्क बागवानी संस्थान

Announcement: Training/Conference/Meeting
Kisan Diwas organized at Tejrasar (Bikaner)
Institute organized 03 days online Training Programme in collaboration with MANAGE Hyderabad
A Webinar on Datepalm: Status and Prospects on 19.11.2024 at 10:00am
Data to Decisions: A Training on Impact Assessment and Quantitative Analysis (14.10.2024 to 16.10.2024)
Foundation Day-2024 celebration on 01.10.2024 at 10:00am
Drone Demonstration Farmers Field 8 JMD Khinchia 16.05.2024
Intellectual Property seminar 2024
Last date to apply for Winter School ‘Technological Interventions in Potential Arid Horticulture for Enhancing Farmer’s Income’ (30 January, 2024 to 19 February, 2024) has been extended up to 4 January, 2024.
The institute will organise the winter school on “Technological interventions in potential arid horticultural crops for enhancing farmer’s income” from 30 January, 2024 to 19 February, 2024.
Institute participated in ICAR-Regional Committee Meeting (VI) at CSWRI Avikanagar on 03.11.2023
National Women Farmer's Day Celebration 2023
Kisam Mela-Training, TSP, 2023
Webinar on "Natural and organic farming in arid horticultural crops" under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsava
Skill development for self-employment to empower rural women through arid vegetable and fruit crop technology (AKAM)
Two days training on ‘Sangri-ker processing and value addition for rural employment’ during 2-3 May, 2023
Winter School on commercialization of arid fruit and vegetable crops through modern approach
खेजड़ी पर राष्‍ट्रीय वेबिनार
बेर पर राष्‍ट्रीय वेबिनार
New:- वार्षिक प्रशिक्षण योजना - केशुबास 2020-21
New:-'गुणवतक्‍ ता युक्‍त बीज उत्‍पादक' कौशल प्रशिक्षण आयोजन
'जैविक उत्पादक’ कौशल प्रशिक्षण आयोजन
MTC Training on "Integrated Pest Management of Arid Fruit and Vegetable Crops" from 2-9 September, 2019
Circular: ICAR Sponsored Short Course on Exploitation of underutilized horticulture crops for sustainable production. 11-Feb to 20 Feb 2016
Circular: ICAR Sponsored Short Course on Good Management Practices for Arid Horticultural Crops to Combat Current Agrarian Crisis. 25-Feb to 5 March 2016

Ber auction on 17-03-2025 at 11:30am at ICAR-CHES, Vejalpur-Gujarat Result of YP-I under "PC Cell-AICRP-AZF" interview held on 24.02.2025 at ICAR-CIAH, Bikaner

Result of YP-II under "National Agriculture Innovation Fund (NAIF) Scheme" interview held on 21.02.2025 at ICAR-CIAH, Bikaner

परिणाम :-यंग प्रोफेशनल्‍स-II तत्‍क्षण साक्षात्‍कार under DUS Centre on Date palm horticultural crops

Walk-in-Interview for YP-II at CIAH, Bikaner on 21.02.2025 at 11:00am under NAIF Scheme

Walk-in-Interview for YP-I at CIAH, Bikaner on 24.02.2025 at 11:00am under PC Cell-AICRP-AZF

Walk-in-Interview for YP-II at CIAH, Bikaner on 11.02.2025 at 11:00am

सूचना: बीज मांग पत्र

Ber auction on 08-01-2025 at 11:30am at ICAR-CIAH, Bikaner

A Webinar on Datepalm: Status and Prospects on 19.11.2024 at 10:00am

खेजड़ी के लगभग 400 वृक्षों की वार्षिक छंगाई - नीलामी दिनांक 19.11.2024 11:00 बजे

आंवला के लगभग 26 से 30 क्विंटल फलों की तुड़ाई की खुली नीलामी दिनांक 5.11.2024 11.00 बजे

सतर्कता जागरूकता सप्ताह 2024

Aonla Auction on 14.10.2024 at CHES, Vejalpur, Gujarat

Ber, Aonla, Datpalm Auction on 07.10.2024 at ICAR-CIAH, Bikaner

Aonla Auction on 04.10.2024 at CHES Vejalpur, Gujarat

Walk an interview at CHES, Vejelpur on 09.09.2024

Wood Auction on 04.09.2024

Auction : हरी घास/ सेवण/ धामण घास on 04.09.2024

Planting Material Rate List-2024

युवा पेशेवर (YP-II) हेतु तत्‍क्षण साक्षात्‍कार, CHES, वेजलपुर, गुजरात 15.07.2024

बेर फलों की नीलामी सूचना

युवा पेशेवर (YP-I और YP-II) हेतु तत्‍क्षण साक्षात्‍कार, बीकानेर 28.06.2024

Office order for Plant Selling

खजूर फलों की नीलामी सूचना

बेल पल्प प्रसंस्करण

आम फलों की नीलामी सूचना

प्रशासनिक अधिकारी जॉइनिंग

चीकू फलों की नीलामी सूचना

बील फलों की नीलामी सूचना

फार्म उत्पाद एवं पौधो को संस्थान में विक्रय करने हेतु कार्यालय आदेश

तत्‍क्षण साक्षात्‍कार 09.02.2024, 11.00 AM at KVK-Panchmahal, Gujarat

बेर फलों की नीलामी सूचना

Walk in Interview at Vejalpur Godhara (Gujarat)

Revised Room Rent and consolidated instructins at ICAR Guest House

List of Holidays in 2024

Last date to apply for Winter School ‘Technological Interventions in Potential Arid Horticulture for Enhancing Farmer’s Income’ (30 January, 2024 to 19 February, 2024) has been extended up to 4 January, 2024.

नाकारा सामान की नीतामी हेतु सूचना (बीकानेर)

आंवला फलों की नीलामी सूचना

Technological interventions in potential arid horticultural crops for enhancing farmer’s income.

नाकारा सामान की नीतामी हेतु सूचना (Scientific Instruments, Machinery, Computer, Electronics Items etc.)

नाकारा सामान की नीतामी हेतु सूचना

आंवला फलों की नीलामी सूचना

गवार की नीलामी सूचना

आंवला फलों की नीलामी सूचना- केबापके, वेजलपुर, गुजरात

Seed, Plant and Farm Produce Rates- 23-01-2023

Important Links