symbol of Indian Council of Agricultural Research ICAR-Central Institute for Arid Horticulture
Extension CIAH

Extension activities at CIAH, BIKANER

Visit and interaction/ meetings with farmers at the Institute: The farmers (both men& women) belongs to hot arid region of Rajasthan and other states of the country visited to the Institute's farm/experimental blocks and held interaction /meetings with them to acquaint/ expose them with latest arid horticultural technologies as developed by the Institute.

Visit and interaction with students/young farmers at the Institute: Farmers, students / young farmers came from different agricultural colleges/ university and schools of the Rajasthan state and other states of the country and visited the experimental blocks and research laboratories of the Institute to acquaint them with latest technological know-how of the arid horticulture.

Visit and interaction/ meetings with agricultural supervisors/professionals,at the Institute: Agricultural supervisors, professionals, lecturers, teachers, scientists/ trainees, and other dignitaries came from different line departments of state government, SAUs, colleges/ schools, ICAR research centres, NGOs etc. and visited the experimental blocks & research laboratories of the institute and had interaction with them to acquaint with latest improved arid horticultural technologies and research and extension activities of the Institute.

Visit to farmer's fields and interaction/meetings with them: The farmer' fields are visited and they are provided with technical guidance / assistance to overcome their problems related to arid horticultural crop production. The farmer’s meeting/ interactions are also carried out to guide and provide solution to their problems.

Research- extension-farmers-interface meetings: Research-Extension-Farmers-interface meeting are held at the Institute, and during survey work and at the site of front line demonstrations, exhibitions and during the other programmes.

The work on organization of Farmer's Interest Groups / Commodity Interest Groups/ Self-Help Groups are also initiated at the different sites/ locations/ villages where front line demonstrations of improved varieties of arid fruits/vegetables crops and their agro-techniques are conducted.

Front line demonstrations/ adaptive trials: Frontline demonstrations of improved varieties of fruits and vegetable are conducted on farmers fields. In addition, method demonstrations about improved agro-techniques of arid fruit and vegetable production are also given to visiting farmers/ extension functionaries or during farmer's field visits/ interaction.

Farmer's trainings: Farmer's/ field workers' training programme (on/ off campus) are conducted /organised at the Institute or at farmer's fields

Lectures: Technological lectures related to different arid horticultural improved technologies are delivered to the visiting farmers / extension worker/ NGO personnel and during different training programmes

Participation in farmer's fair and arranging technological exhibitions: we participate and organize exhibitions of arid horticultural technological in farmer's fair/ national seminars/ congress/ symposium, etc.

Initiatives for popularization of arid horticultural technologies: For the popularization of innovative arid horticultural technologies developed by the institute, various activities like creating technological awareness, interest and knowledge amongst the farmers/clients through daily news papers/ press media/ means of mass media are taken. Other important activities like farmer's visits and research- extension-farmers-interface meetings, conduction of technological front line demonstrations/ adaptive trials on farmer's fields, method demonstrations, farmer’s trainings, celebration of farm innovators day, visit to farmer’s fields and organization of farmers interest groups to acquaint them with latest improved technologies of arid fruits and vegetables crop production, organization of technological exhibitions, providing technical literature to farmers/ clients, online technical guidance and mobile advisory service/ ICT / e-extension based programmes, etc. are also carried out for the popularization of innovative arid horticultural technologies amongst the farmers / clients.

Providing technical literature: Technical folders and bulletins (technical literature) are provided to the farmers /extension workers/ NGO, during their visit, farmer’s fair, exhibitions, meetings, etc.

Celebration of Days: We celebrate / organise, farmers day, Farm Innovators Day, ICAR Industrial day, Agricultural Education Day, regularly every year to encourage the horticultural development in hot arid regions.

Inter Intuitional linkages/programmes organised/assisted: The functional linkage with sister organizations / Institutions of the ICAR, KVKs, ATIC and Directorate of Extension of SKRAU, Bikaner, CAZRI Regional Station Bikaner, State Govt. Deptt. of agriculture/ horticulture, CAD/IGNP departments, press media persons, NGOs, etc. are maintained to facilitate the transfer of CIAH technologies on local farmer's field and to encourage the arid horticultural development. The above institutions are assisted and cooperated as and when they require our assistance and help in successful completion of their programmes like extension programmes, trainings, interface meetings, assistance in technological campaign/ programmes, technological support and advices and other issues related to human resource development.

Mobile advisory service/ ICT based/ e-extension based activities: The various farmers are answered & guided using mobile service, online telephonic conversation to solve their existing based problems related to horticultural crop production. Some advance farmers are replied for their technical guidance through e- mail, Institute’s film show on computer system/ TV for client’s knowledge, production of online (Institute’s website) technological news through six monthly newsletter, providing CD/DVD of the Institute's film and other programmes to needy clients, etc.

Initiatives for commercialization of technologies : The important activities like conduction of technological front line demonstrations/ adaptive trials on farmer’s fields, providing seeds and planting material to farmers, organizing farmer’s trainings programmes Farm Innovators Day, research- extension-farmers-interface meetings, organization of farmers interest groups, etc are arranged to acquaint them with latest improved technologies arid fruits and vegetables crop production and adopting the same for their economic benefits. The seeds/ planting materials of improved varieties and training on their production technologies are provided to farmers to encourage the production of the same at large commercial scale.


सूचना: बीज मांग पत्र

Ber auction on 08-01-2025 at 11:30am at ICAR-CIAH, Bikaner

A Webinar on Datepalm: Status and Prospects on 19.11.2024 at 10:00am

खेजड़ी के लगभग 400 वृक्षों की वार्षिक छंगाई - नीलामी दिनांक 19.11.2024 11.30 बजे?

आंवला के लगभग 26 से 30 क्विंटल फलों की तुड़ाई की खुली नीलामी दिनांक 5.11.2024 11.00 बजे

सतर्कता जागरूकता सप्ताह 2024

Aonla Auction on 14.10.2024 at CHES, Vejalpur, Gujarat

Aonla Auction on 04.10.2024 at CHES Vejalpur, Gujarat

Walk an interview at CHES, Vejelpur on 09.09.2024

Wood Auction on 04.09.2024

Auction : हरी घास/ सेवण/ धामण घास on 04.09.2024

YP's recruitment result held on 28-06-2024

Planting Material Rate List-2024

Walk-in-Interview for YP-II at CHES Vejalpur, Godhara, Gujarat on 15.07.2024

Ber Auction at ICAR-CIAH at Godhara, Gujarat

Walk-in-Interview for YP-I and YP-II at CIAH, Bikaner on 28.06.2024

Office Order For Plant Selling

Date Palm Auction

On Bael Processing

Mango Auction

Joining of Administrative Officer

Naseberry (Chiku) Fruit Auction

Bael Fruit Auction

Office Order for Farm Product and Plant Selling

तत्‍क्षण साक्षात्‍कार 09.02.2024, 11.00 AM at KVK-Panchmahal, Gujarat

Ber Auction at ICAR-CIAH, Bikaner

Walk in Interview at Vejalpur Godhara (Gujarat)

Revised Room Rent and consolidated instructins at ICAR Guest House

List of Holidays in 2024

Last date to apply for Winter School ‘Technological Interventions in Potential Arid Horticulture for Enhancing Farmer’s Income’ (30 January, 2024 to 19 February, 2024) has been extended up to 4 January, 2024.

नाकारा सामान की नीतामी हेतु सूचना (बीकानेर)

आंवला फलों की नीलामी सूचना

Technological interventions in potential arid horticultural crops for enhancing farmer’s income.

नाकारा सामान की नीतामी हेतु सूचना (Scientific Instruments, Machinery, Computer, Electronics Items etc.)

नाकारा सामान की नीतामी हेतु सूचना

आंवला फलों की नीलामी सूचना

गवार की नीलामी सूचना

आंवला फलों की नीलामी सूचना- केबापके, वेजलपुर, गुजरात

Seed, Plant and Farm Produce Rates- 23-01-2023

Important Links