Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Panchmahal
Godhra-Vadodara, Highway, Vejalpur-389 340 (Godhra), Gujarat
The Krishi Vigyan Kendra of Panchmahal was established on 01.10.2005 by the ICAR under the administrative control of ICAR-Central Institute for Arid Horticulture, Bikaner. This KVK is located at Vejalpur, Godhra Vadodara Highway away about 16 km from the District Headquarter Panchmahal (Godhra)
- To conduct "on-farm testing" for testing and refining the recommended technology in order to make it location specific sustainable technology.
- To organize front line demonstrations in various crops to generate productivity data and feed back information.
- To organize short and long term vocational Training courses in Agriculture and allied fields for farmers, Farm Women and rural youth with emphasis on "learning by doing" for higher production on the farms and generating self-employment through it.
- To organize training programmes to update the knowledge of extension personnel with emerging advances in agricultural and allied research on regular basis.
- To act as knowledge resource center of agriculture and allied practices for Districts farmers and extension personals.
Total land with KVK (in ha) : 20 ha.
S.No. |
Item |
Area (ha) |
1. |
Under Buildings |
04 ha.(for infra-structure) |
2. |
Demonstration farm |
016 ha. |