symbol of Indian Council of Agricultural Research ICAR-Central Institute for Arid Horticulture
How to reach
The Bikaner city is well connected with train and bus services.
There are two main railyway stations viz., Bikaner junction and Lalgarh,
which are about 15 and 07 km away from the CIAH

There are also government (run by RSRTC) and private bus stands,
wherefrom buses run on various rutes.

Ber auction on 17-03-2025 at 11:30am at ICAR-CHES, Vejalpur-Gujarat
Result of YP-I under "PC Cell-AICRP-AZF" interview held on 24.02.2025 at ICAR-CIAH, Bikaner

Result of YP-II under "National Agriculture Innovation Fund (NAIF) Scheme" interview held on 21.02.2025 at ICAR-CIAH, Bikaner

Result of YP-I under "PC Cell-AICRP-AZF" interview held on 24.02.2025 at ICAR-CIAH, Bikaner

Result of YP-II under "National Agriculture Innovation Fund (NAIF) Scheme" interview held on 21.02.2025 at ICAR-CIAH, Bikaner

Result:-YP-II Walk-in-Interview held on 11-02-2025 under DUS Centre on Date palm horticultural crops

Walk-in-Interview for YP-II at CIAH, Bikaner on 21.02.2025 at 11:00am under NAIF Scheme

Walk-in-Interview for YP-I at CIAH, Bikaner on 24.02.2025 at 11:00am under PC Cell-AICRP-AZF

Walk-in-Interview for YP-II at CIAH, Bikaner on 11.02.2025 at 11:00am

सूचना: बीज मांग पत्र

Ber auction on 08-01-2025 at 11:30am at ICAR-CIAH, Bikaner

A Webinar on Datepalm: Status and Prospects on 19.11.2024 at 10:00am

खेजड़ी के लगभग 400 वृक्षों की वार्षिक छंगाई - नीलामी दिनांक 19.11.2024 11.30 बजे?

आंवला के लगभग 26 से 30 क्विंटल फलों की तुड़ाई की खुली नीलामी दिनांक 5.11.2024 11.00 बजे

सतर्कता जागरूकता सप्ताह 2024

Aonla Auction on 14.10.2024 at CHES, Vejalpur, Gujarat

Aonla Auction on 04.10.2024 at CHES Vejalpur, Gujarat

Walk an interview at CHES, Vejelpur on 09.09.2024

Wood Auction on 04.09.2024

Auction : हरी घास/ सेवण/ धामण घास on 04.09.2024

YP's recruitment result held on 28-06-2024

Planting Material Rate List-2024

Walk-in-Interview for YP-II at CHES Vejalpur, Godhara, Gujarat on 15.07.2024

Ber Auction at ICAR-CIAH at Godhara, Gujarat

Walk-in-Interview for YP-I and YP-II at CIAH, Bikaner on 28.06.2024

Office Order For Plant Selling

Date Palm Auction

On Bael Processing

Mango Auction

Joining of Administrative Officer

Naseberry (Chiku) Fruit Auction

Bael Fruit Auction

Office Order for Farm Product and Plant Selling

Important Links