FruitsS.No. | Crop | Variety identified | Characteristics |
1 | Aonla |
Goma Aishwariya |
A selection from plus tree. It is an early and drought tolerant. The average yield potential is 105 kg/tree. |
2 |
Ber |
Thar Sevika |
Developed by the hybridization from a cross Seb x Katha. Thar Sevika is an early maturing variety. Average fruit yield is 30-32 Kg/tree. |
3 |
Ber |
Thar Bhubharaj |
A selection from local material of Bhusavar area of Bharatpur district of Rajasthan, having an average yield potential of 30-36 kg/tree. The fruits are very juicy, sweet with a TSS content of 22-23%. |
4 |
Bael |
Goma Yashi |
It is semi dwarf tree and suitable for dry land areas., Fiber: 2.0-2.45 per cent., Fruit weight : 1.25 kg per fruit. Fruit yield: 50 kg/plant Fruit shell weight: 180g. Pulp 68.0 per cent, TSS: 35-390C, Maturity range (days): 310-335 days Suitable for processing purpose. |
5 |
Jamun |
Goma Priyanka |
Fruits are good in test having 16.86 TSS 0Brix. Fruit are rich in Vitamin C (45.44 mg/100g). Yield potential is 30 kg/plant. |
6 |
Pomegranate |
Goma Khatta |
The variety is developed for Anardana purpose. Yield potential is 6.59 kg/plant and anardana yield is 1.18 kg/plant. Seeds hardness is medium. Fruit having 46.7% of Juice and TSS is 14.50Brix. Acidity is 7.3%. |
7 |
Tamarind |
Goma Prateek |
A good quality fruit of tamarind having long pod 16.70 cm and 1.25 cm breadth in size. Pod weight is 26.70 g having TSS 710Brix and acidity is14.06 %. Vitamin C is 17.53 mg/100g. Yield: 58.50 kg/plat (9th year of plant) |
8 |
Lasoda |
Thar Bold |
A prolific and early bearing lasoda (Cordia dichotoma) has been identified as "Thar Bold" (CIAH/ LS-3) through selection. It bears bold fruits in cluster with high production of 1.5-2.0 q tender fruits per tree per year. The tender fruits are suitable for making vegetable, pickles and for dehydration purpose. Fruits can be also utilized as table fruit and also for processing purpose. This variety is recommended for commercial cultivation both as block plantation and also a component of agro-forestry system in arid and semi-arid region of the country. |
9 |
Chironji |
Thar Priya |
Plant height (3.43 m), semi-spreading growth habit, thick trunk, dense foliage and dropping branches, umbrella shape, fruit ripens in 50-65 days from fruit set. It is comparatively dwarf, precocious bearer and suitable for high density planting. No major diseases and pests were noticed under field conditions. It is suitable for table and processing purpose due to high pulp content, TSS, sugar and kernel content. It recorded 23.90 oBrix TSS, 1.24% acidity, 13.06% total sugar, 6.67% reducing sugar, 48.70 mg/100g vitamin C and 31.36% kernel protein. The fruit yield is 11.90 kg yield/plant having 1.15 g fruit weight. It starts bearing in 4th year of planting. |
10 |
Bael |
Thar Divya |
Plant height (vigorous in growth pattern), semi-spreading growth habit, compact canopy, very less spines, fruit ripens in 270 days from fruit set. comparatively earliest in maturity (second fortnight of February), precocious bearer and highly suitable for growing under dryland/rainfed hot semi-arid ecosystem (under 8m x 6m distance). Drought tolerant, luxuriant growth and higher fruit yield under less precipitation and high temperature. Attractive dark yellow colour of pulp of complete ripened fruit. No major diseases and pests were noticed under field conditions. It is suitable for table and processing purpose due to high pulp and sugar content. Average yield/plant is 85.20 kg in 9th year. fruit weight 1.51 kg, fruit size 20.60 cm x 14.87 cm, fruit girth 44.80 cm, shell thickness 1.8-2 mm, total number of seed 120, seed weight 0.13g, fibre weight 61g, shell weight 220g, locules in cross section 13-15, pulp 70.50%, TSS pulp 370Brix, TSS mucilage 49.500B, acidity 0.30% and Vitamin C 19.80 mg/100g pulp. It is highly suitable for powder and RTS owing to attractive pulp colour and fine fibre content. Full mature bael fruit stored upto 10-12 days after harvesting under ambient condition in rainfed conditions. |
11 |
Khirni |
Thar Rituraj |
Plant height (4.36 m), semi-spreading growth habit, thick trunk, evergreen & dense foliage umbrella shape. It is semi-dwarf, precocious bearer, flowering start in 4th year, fruit ripens in 120-125 days from fruit set. It is comparatively dwarf, precocious bearer and suitable for high density planting. No major diseases and pests were noticed under field conditions. It is suitable for table and processing purpose due to high pulp and sugar content. It recorded 24.73oBrix TSS, 0.32% acidity, 17.80% total sugar, 28.33 mg/100g vitamin C. The fruit yield is 10-16 kg/plant having 5.20 g fruit weight and 1945 no. of fruit per plant. It starts bearing in 4th year of planting |
12 |
Karonda |
Thar Kamal |
The variety is developed through selection from existing germplasm. The selected genotype was tested under field conditions for 9 years (2005-2014). Plant height (1.77 m), semi-spreading growth habit, thick trunk, evergreen, dense foliage and drooping branches. Flowering start, in 3rd year, regular bearer, ripens (55-56 days from fruit set) in the month of June and recorded 4.97 g average fruit weight, 93.64 per cent pulp and 9.540Brix TSS, 0.64% acidity, 30.41 mg/100g vitamin C. Fruit yield per plant was recorded 13.00 kg during 9th year of orchard life under rainfed conditions of hot semi-arid ecosystem. It is suitable for processing purpose due to deep red skin colour, high pulp content, TSS and sugars. It is comparatively dwarf, early, precocious bearer and suitable for high density planting and suitable for candy and jelly making. |
13 |
Mahua |
Thar Madhu |
Description of variety: Plant height (4.40 m), semi spreading growth habit, thick trunk with dense foliage, No major diseases were noticed under field conditions. Plant growth and fruit yield was almost normal during the years received less precipitation. Fresh flowers are very rich in TSS and vitamin C. Dried flowers are used by tribal farmers. Starts bearing in 5 th year. It bears in clusters. Trait specific Yield: 20.10 kg per plant during 10th year of orchard life under rainfed conditions of hot semi-arid ecosystem. Yield of dry flower: 6.30 kg per plant. Fruit weight: 29.0g Maturity: Fruit ripens in 90-105 days from fruit set (Ripe fruits shed from trees during May-July). it is comparatively dwarf, precocious bearer and suitable for high density planting. TSS: 14.26 0Brix, Acidity: 0.10 (%), Total sugars 10.80%, Vitamin C: 48.38 mg/100g. Uses: Mahua flowers used in preparation of distilled liquors. It is used for preparation of cake, vinegar, jam, syrup and honey. Flowers and spent flowers (after fermentation) are utilized as feed for livestock. Seeds processed for oil are used to manufacture vanaspati ghee, soap, greases and cosmetics and also used in bakery products, as manure and has insecticidal properties. |
14 |
Mulberry |
Thar Lohit |
Description of variety: Plant height (3.07 m), spreading growth habit, heterophyllous leaves cordate in shape and with fine serrated margin, leaf pubescence absent, leaf arrangement alternate and red colour, pendulous shape fruits. planting distance: 6x6 m, tree population : 275/ha, planting time: July-August, propagation method: budding/cutting). Skin colour of fruit is deep red. Trait specific Low (frost) and high temperature tolerant (-20C to 490 C) Yield: 12.4 kg to 26.5 per plant. It start bearing in 3rd year. Fruit weight 10.50-11.46 g. fruit width: 9.13-9.90 mm and length: 5.62-7.0 cm. Maturity: Fruit ripens in 32-36 days from fruit set. TSS: 20.8 0Brix, Acidity: 1.6%, Vitamin C: 11.2 mg/100g. total flavonoids: 0.96 mg/g FW, total polyphenols 1.19 mg/g FW. total antioxidant activity (CUPRAC): 6.81µM TE/g Uses: Nutraceutical-rich and suitable for table and processing purpose. |
15 |
Mulberry |
Thar Harit |
Fruit maturity duration: 38-42 days, Fruit yield: 32.6 kg per plant, Fruit weight: 3.76g, TSS: 31.5 oBrix, Acidity: 0.42 %, Vitamin C: 23.7 mg/100g, Total flavonoids: 0.72 mg/g FW, Total polyphenols: 0.84 mg/g FW and Total antioxidant activity (CUPRAC): 4.30 µM TE/g, Tolerant to low (frost) and high temperatures (from subzero (-2 0C) to 48 0C). Plant height (2.90 m), short stature and spreading growth habit, green-white colour, pendulous shape fruits, Fruit ripens in 38-42 days from fruit set, mid-season, precocious bearer, high yielding and no major diseases & pests were noticed under field conditions. The plant growth and fruit yield remain unaffected due to temperature related stresses. Suitable for both table and processing purposes |
16 |
Thar Neelkanth |
Drought tolerant, lustrous growth and higher fruit yield having attractive fruit appearance under aberrant agro-climatic conditions. Fruit ripens in 320 days from fruit set. Fruit ripening start from 3rd week of April. Yield: 70-75 kg per plant (8th Year), Fruit weight: 1.50 kg, Fruit size15.10x15.0 cm, fruit girth 44.80cm, shell thickness 0.18 cm, total number of seed: 98.00, fibre weight: 70.38g, shell weight 190.0g, pulp: 71.30%, TSS (Pulp): 41.20 0Brix, TSS (mucilage) : 52.50 0Brix. Acidity: 0.29% and vitamin C 23.40 mg/100 g pulp, total phenols: 2.31%. Shelf life of mature fruit: 10 days. It is superior genotype with desirable characters like compact growth, semi-spreading, medium height (5.0 m) with few spines, and better yield with quality fruits having pleasant flavour with attractive colour of pulp (dark yellowish) and uniform fruit size under rainfed semi-arid environment. It started flowering and fruiting from 3 rd year of budding. The fruits are less affected by sun scald. It is highly suitable for powder, candy, murabba, and RTS owing to presence of fine fibre embedded in pulp. |
17 |
Ber |
Thar Malti |
Fruit yield: 65-70 kg/plant; Fruit weight: 20.32g, TSS: 18.6 oBrix, Acidity: 0.46 %, Vitamin C: 126.7 mg/100g, Total flavonoids: 2.49 mg/g FW, Total polyphenols: 2.93 mg/g FW, Total antioxidant activity (CUPRAC): 13.1µM TE/g. Tolerant to low temperatures (frost; subzero -2 0C) as plant growth. Plant height (3.6 m), semi-erect growth habit, late maturing, fruit ripens in 145-150 days from fruit set, greenish-yellow coloured oval fruits, high yield and soft pulp texture, less thorny, fruits are moderately rich in sugars and ascorbic acid. No major disease or pest infestation, under field conditions, has been noticed, the fruit yield remain unaffected due to temperature related stresses. It can be promoted as health food due to higher contents of antioxidants. Suitable for both table and processing purposes |
18 |
Jamun |
Thar Kranti |
It is dwarf, Fruit ripens in 75 days from fruit set. Fruit yield: 65.00 kg per plant. Fruit shape: Oblong, Fruit color: Deep purple, Flesh colour: Dirty white, Fruit weight: 20.10g, Pulp weight: 17.20 g, Pulp per cent: 85.57%, TSS: 17.10 0Brix, Acidity: 0.40%, Total sugar: 12.50%, Reducing Sugar: 6.20%, Vitamin C: 48.45 mg/100g. Plant height: 5.30 m, semi-spreading growth habit, thick trunk, evergreen, dense foliage and dropping branches. Bearing start in 3rd year. Early ripening (last week of May) and drought tolerant. No major diseases and pests were noticed under field condition. Suitable for high density planting and fruits for table purpose |
19 |
Phalsa |
Thar Pragati |
Fruit ripens in 60 days from fruit set. Fruit ripening start from 2nd week of April. Yield: 3-4 kg per plant, Fruit weight: 2.1 g, pulp weight: 1.9g, Pulp: 90.4%, fruit shape: Round, Fruit Colur: Deep purple, TSS: 20.12 0Brix, Acidity: 3.12 %, Total sugar: 12.42 %, Reducing Sugar: 8.10%, Vitamin C: 19.12 mg/100g. Plant height: 2.20 m, spreading growth habit, thick stem, dense foliage and drooping branches. Fruit ripens in 60 days from fruit set. It is dwarf, early precocious bearer (bearing in 3rd year), drought tolerant and suitable for high density planting. No major diseases and pests were noticed. It is suitable for table and processing purpose. |
20 |
Wood apple |
Thar Gaurav |
Description of variety: Precocious bearing, high yielder with bigger size, quality fruit having better self life under rain-fed conditions of western India. Plant height: 6.25 m, maturity: fruit ripens after 230 days from fruit set, Spreading growth habit with drooping branches and compact canopy. Fruits are rich in pectin and protein content. Trait specific: Yield: 58.58 kg/plant (7th year) and 124.36 kg/plant (12th year) , fruit weight: 452.25g, pulp: 50.92%, fruit shape: Oblong, Fruit colour: Greenish-white, TSS: 14.12 0Brix, Acidity: 3.85%, Total Sugar: 3.07%, reducing sugars: 1.42%, fruit pectin: 1.76%, Protein (pulp-18.13%, seed-24.38%), phosphorous (0.07%), potassium (1.73%), calcium (0.30%) and iron (16.72 mg). fruits strong pleasing aroma at full maturity. early maturing (1st week of November) Uses : It is used as table purpose and for value added products like Pickle, RTS, Chutney and powder. |
S.No. | Crop | Variety identified | Characteristics |
1 |
Mateera |
AHW-19 |
Medium-early maturing variety, produces 3.0-3.5 fruits per vine, flesh dark pink, solid (firm) with good eating quality and taste having 8.0 to 8.4% TSS. High yielder (460-500 q/ha) and tolerates high temperature. |
2 |
AHW -65 |
Very early maturing variety, produces 3-4 mature fruits per vine and gives yield of 375-400 q/ha. The flesh is delicious, pink, solid (firm) having 8.0-8.5 per cent TSS. |
3 |
Kachri |
1. AHK-119 |
Fruits are small, egg shaped weighing 50-60 g. Fruits are ready for picking in 68-70 days after sowing, 22 fruits per vine, and yields of 95-100 q/ha. |
4 |
2. AHK-200 |
The fruits are 100-120 g in weight, become ready for harvest in 65-67 days after sowing, bears about 20 fruits per vine, yield of 115-120 q/ha. |
5 |
Kakdi |
AHC-2 |
Very early maturing variety bearing uniform, medium long fruits. Fruit are light green skin without furrows. Harvesting of tender fruits can be done 8-12 days after fertilization for salad or for garnishing vegetables. Fruits become ready for harvest in 53-55 days after sowing and harvesting continues upto 95-110 days. Fruits weighing 275-300g are suitable for slicing when their length is 30-35 cm and diameter is 3.0-3.5 cm. The flesh is crisp textured. solid and 1.4-1.5 cm thick. About 12-15 tender fruits can be harvested giving a yield of 4 kg per vine and 175-202 q/ha under arid situations. |
6 |
AHC-13 |
Very early and highly productive variety with profuse hermaphrodite flowers. For slicing, the fruits can be harvested at very early stage (3-6 days after fertilization). First harvest can be obtained 50 days after sowing and harvesting continue upto 95-100 days. Continuous picking results in higher yield. About 20-25 fruits are borne per vine. The tender fruits weighing 75-110 g are harvested when the length is 5.5-7.0 can and diameters are 4.4-5.0 cm. The flesh is crispy and tasty which is about 1.0 cm in thickness. On an average 2.15 kg tender fruits can be harvested per vine giving a yield of 85-125 q/ha. The variety also has high heat tolerance. |
7 |
Snapmelon |
1. AHS- 10 |
Fruits can be harvested 68 days after sowing, fruits are oblong and medium in size (900 g), flesh whitish pink, sweet in taste having 4.5-5.0 per cent TSS. Bears 4.0-4.5 fruits vine each giving an yield of 225-230 q/ha under arid conditions. |
8 |
2. AHS- 82 |
Fruit harvest starts 67-70 days after sowing, each vine bears 4.5-5.0 fruits giving an yield of 245-250 q/ha. The flesh is light pink, sweet having 4.3-4.9 per cent TSS. |
9 |
Khejri |
Thar Shobha |
High yielding and better quality variety. It has been recommended for uniform tender pod harvesting for vegetable use. A grafted khejri plant yields a harvest of about 4.25 kg tender pods (sangri) and 6 kg dry fodder per year. |
10 |
Mateera |
Thar Manak |
It is an improvement over AHW 19 for quality. Developed through selection from the local land races found in arid region. It is very early. First marketable harvesting 75-80 DAS. The yield potential is 50-80 tones/h a under arid conditions. |
11. |
Bottle gourd |
Thar Samridhi |
High yield potential (3.82 – 5.82 kg/plant) under hot arid environment. Fruits weighing 450 – 700 g are ready for first harvesting after 50 to 55 days from sowing. The fruit yield potential is 240-300 q/ha. |
12 |
Cluster bean |
2. Thar Bhadavi |
High yielding vareity. Pod yield poentital is 75 g/plant and 9.0 cluster/plant. Plant height is 65-70 cm. First harvest is 55-60 days after sowing. 65-125 q/ha. |
13 |
Sword bean |
Thar Mahi |
The pod yield potential is 56.0 q/ha. First harvest 90-95 days after sowing. Pod yield is 1.73 kg/plant. In 40% pod yield is increasing through. |
14 |
Indian bean |
1. Thar Kartiki |
Days to flowering, DAS is 70-75 after 5.94. First harvest is 90-95 DAS. Pod yield is 1.75 kg/plant and yield 110 q/ha. |
15 |
2. Thar Maghi |
It is high yielding, stable and found to be the most potential for commercial cultivation. For first marketable harvesting, it took 90-95 days in comparison to AHDB-3 (95-100 days). Average pod yield 1.77 kg/plant and tender post yield is 113.25 q/ha. |
16 |
Ridge gourd |
Thar Karni |
Profuse branching with vine length of 3.51 m. Long ovary (6.39 cm), fruit cylindrical with 10 shallow ridges and light green colour. Early in harvesting and take 51-55 days to first picking from sowing. Short internodes. Resistant to mosaic disease under field condition. Resistant to melon fruit fly under field condition. Its fruit set at high temperature during April-May under hot arid condition of Rajasthan. It is responsive to fertilizers (N, P 2O5 and K2O @ 80:60:60 kg.ha). Fibre content in fruits at edible stage is 1.4-1.6g/100g. Fruits are non-bitter and tender at edible stage. No. of branches/plant (5.90), vine length at last harvest (3.51m), fruit length (21.24 cm), fruit weight (95.74 g), fruit diameter (2.88 cm), number of marketable fruits/plant (21.03), fruit shape (Cylindrical), number of ridges/fruit (10 shallow ridges), fruit colou/r (light green). Fruit yield 150-160 q/ha |
17 |
Pumpkin |
Thar Kavi |
Harvest stage: 80-85 days after sowing for green fruits and 110-120 days for ripe fruits. Fruit weight: 900g, Fruit shape: Flat round, Fruit colour: Dark green (Immature) & Yellowish (Mature), Color of pulp: Creamy white (Immature) & Organe (Mature), No. of fruit per plant: 8, Yield: 7-8 kg per plant, TSS: 8.5 0Brix, Acidity: 0.87 %, Carotene content: 2.36 mg/100g. Vine length: 2.14 m, moderately vigorous, drought tolerant, female flower produces at 12-13 node and anthesis at 43 days. Fruits are very small in size with yellowish spots over the fruit surface and greenish lines at floral end of the fruit. Plants are very compact and hence more plants population per ha can be accommodated. Moderately resistant to fruit fly, powdery mildew & pumpkin mosaic virus under field conditions. Suitable for culinary purpose |
18 |
Drumstick |
Thar Harsha |
Fruit yield: 45-48 kg per plant, pod weight: 155.3g, Pod length: 1.06m, Protein content: 9.3 g, Vitamin C: 246 mg, Vitamin A content: 9783 IU. Plant height: 4.0 m, spread: 3.30m (E-W) and 3.90 m (N-S), Late maturing type (160-180 days after sowing), Flowering from Dec-Jan and harvesting from Apr-June. Straight green pods (1.0 m long) long pointed towards tip, drought hardy. Resistant to leaf eating caterpillar and moderately resistant to fruit fly under field condition, Tolerant to moisture and heat stress. Pods suitable for culinary purpose and leaves suitable for both vegetable and fodder purpose |
19. |
Brinjal |
Thar Rachit |
Description of variety: It is stable and uniform for fruit quality, yield and morphological traits. It is very early (45 days after transplanting). It is unique for cultivation under limited rains (< 250 mm) with minimal irrigations adopting channel technology and better with drip irrigation. Plant height at 90 days 51.5-64.4 cm, Plants are short stature and semi-erect with purple hairy leaves. fruit oblong-round and dark purple colour. Fruits are small sized. It is suitable both for rainy-winter and spring-summer crop cultivation. Trait specific Harvest stage: 44.6-46.4 days tender fruits. Fruit weight: 39.8-46.2 g, Fruit shape: oblong-round, Fruit colour: dark purple. No. of fruit per plant: 79.5-92.3, Yield: 3.16-4.35 kg per plant and average yield 638.85 q/ha (58-73 tonnes/ha) under high temperature and abiotic stresses of hot arid environment. Uses: Suitable for culinary purpose. |
20. |
Long melon |
Thar Sheetal |
Description of variety: Profuse branching with vine length 2.15-2.38 m at last fruit harvest. Ovary is long (3.5-3.8 cm). Bear light green coloured and tender fruits at edible stage. Early in harvesting and took 45-50 days in first harvesting from sowing. It is found to be moderately resistant against melon fruit fly. The fruit infestation varied from 29% to 30.67%. The sowing time is last week of December to first week of January under low tunnels and second fortnight of February in open field condition on drip irrigation system. Sowing should be done in rows made at 2.0-2.5 m and maintain 0.50-0.60 m distance from plant to plant. Application of 50-60 kg N, 60-80 kg P2O 5 and 50-60 kg K2O per hectare is recommended. Seed rate is 1.0-1.2 kg/ha. Fruits are free from bitterness. Major diseases such as Fusarium wilt, downy mildew, mosaic and Alternaria leaf blight have not been appeared under field condition during summer season. Fruit sets at high temperature (upto 42 0C) with mulching of Saccharum. Trait specific: Harvest stage: 45-50 days for tender fruits. Fruit weight: 79-85 g. Fruit length: 25-30 cm. Fruit colour: Light green. Fruits free from bitterness. No. of fruit/plant: 18-22. Yield: 132-142 q/ha. Uses: Suitable for culinary and salad purpose.
21 |
Ivy gourd |
Thar Sundari Developed through single plant selection) |
Description of variety: The AHIG-01 "Thar Sundari" is stable for sequential female flowering, fruiting and morphological traits. It is short-perennial (4-5 years), gynoecious and its vegetative propagated female plants producing good quality parthinocarpic fruits, and therefore, no male plant is needed for pollination. it required minimum water (250-300 mm) during kharif season and also better with drip technology. Plant continuing flowering even when temperature reached to maximum 48 0C however, slightly affecting the fruit size and shape.
Trait specific: Yield: 2.96 kg/plant/season (268.5 q/ha). Fruit weight: 11.76-13.54 g. Plant height: 2.24-2.65 m (90 days) [Creeper type vine]. Fruit size: length 5.83-6.48 cm, diameter 1.84 cm. Fruit shape: Elongated-long, Days taken to harvest of tender fruits: 8. Earliness for flowering and took 50-55 days for first harvesting after re-sprouting of plants. Two crop harvested annually. (spring-summer, rainy-winter season). Tolerant to high temperature (36-38 0C and abiotic stress (tolerate dry climate 40-42 0 C). It is multiplied by cuttings and clonal propagated plants and a cycle of 4-5 years should be kept for maintenance.
Uses: Used for vegetable.
22 |
Sponge gourd |
Thar Tapish (Developed through hybridization pedigree method of selection) |
Description of variety: Tolerant to high temperature and abiotic stresses of hot arid agro-climate as spring summer season crop. Moderate spreading vie type.It is short duration (110-115 days). The genotype recorded fruit-fly (14.32-22.222%) and viral infestation during October-November and thus prophylactic spraying is recommended in August and September months to control vectors. Days to first harvesting of tender fruits (49.252.4 DAS). Potential for kitchen gardening. It is suitable both for rainy and summer season cultivation. Trait specific: Yield: 1.3 kg/plant (146 q/ha), Fruit weight: 116 g. No. of fruits/plant: 11, Fruit size: 21.37 cm, diameter 3.42 cm. Plant are medium with 4.82-5.33 branches. Colour: green-dark green, Fruit size: long, Fruit shape: Straight, slightly curved neck in shave and have shining lusture. Vine length: 2.43-2.6m at 90 days of plant. It is multiple-stress tolerant/ heat tolerant variety. Uses : Fresh vegetable purpose
23 |
Palak |
Thar Hariparna (Developed through mass selection) |
Description of variety: The AHIG-01 "Thar Hariparna" producing excellent quality and bigger size tender leaves for fresh vegetable use. It is developed through use of regional diversity and for better quality marketable leaf yield during winter season. Higher early plant growth vigour and more number of pickings under north-western parts of Rajasthan. It is stable for consistent growth after picking of tender leaves. Good yield with limited irrigations (drip, channel). Trait specific: Yield: 3.45 kg/plot (2 x 2 m size), (128.48-235.84 q/ha) Colour: Light-green-dark green, Harvesting period: October-March, Size: length 11.53 cm, width 6.42 cm, weight: 1.785g. Plant height: 39.7 cm. Flowering period: March, Seed crop harvest period: Last week of April.
Uses: For vegetable use.
24 |
Tomato |
Thar Annant |
Description of variety: The plants grow up to 160.2 cm (Indeterminate type), Highly vigorous growing, densely foliaged dark green leaves, 19.3 cm inflorescence length and distinguished by indeterminate plant habit, fruit size, fruit color and yield potential over parents. Medium maturity type. Moderate incidence of TCLV at field condition. No incidence of major pest at field condition. Spacing 90 x 90 cm and needs staking. It has 4.5% TSS, High flesh thickness and deep red colour with larger fruits. Suits for moisture and heat stress condition.
Trait specific: Yield: 4.7 kg/ plant and 52-54 t/ha, Fruit weight: 124.4 g, Large fruit size (11.5 x 23.7 cm), Shape: Round, Color: Deep Red. No. of fruits/plant: 62, Lycopene content: 7.0 mg. Plant height: 160.2 cm. No. of branching: 15. Indeterminate type. Uses: Suitable for table and processing purpose. |