symbol of Indian Council of Agricultural Research ICAR-Central Institute for Arid Horticulture


C/o ICAR-Central Institute for Arid Horticulture
10th Milestone, Sri Ganganagar Highway
Beechwal, Bikaner-334 006, Rajasthan

Reg. No. 128/B/03-04 Year of establishment: 2004

Objective of the society
  1. To promote over all development of arid horticulture in arid and semi-arid regions of the country.
  2. To promote better linkage with sister organizations for sustainable development of agriculture.
  3. To undertake activities like, organizing seminar, symposium/conference/group meeting, study tours etc.
  4. To publish journals, reports, treatises, extension literatures etc for promotion of science and dissemination of useful knowledge in the field of arid horticulture
  5. To receive grants, gifts, donations to purchase properties, to invest funds of the society in such securities as may be decided time to time.
  6. To felicitate the distinguished workers in the field of arid horticulture
  7. To undertake training and consultancy services in the field of arid horticulture
Editorial Council-2019

Indian Journal of Arid Horticulture

Instruction to Authors

Indian Journal of Horticulture, the official publication of Indian Society for Arid Horticulture will publish results of original scientific work related to strategic, basic and applied research on all aspects of arid horticulture, including Crop Improvement, Crop Production, Plant Physiology, Plant Protection, Post Harvest Technology, Natural Resource Management and Social Sciences within the scope of the journal. One volume containing two issues (June and December) would be published annually. To be acceptable for publication, the information presented must be relevant to a context wider than the specific location where the study was undertaken. The journal will also publish book reviews and invited reviews on selected scientific topics of horticulture relevance. All the authors have to become at least an annual member when a paper is accepted for publication.

Submission of manuscripts

For the purpose of reviewing articles for publication manuscript should be submitted as hard copy in duplicate to Editor-in-Chief, Indian Journal of Arid Horticulture C/o ICAR-Central Institute for Arid Horticulture, 10th Milestone, Sri Ganganagar Highway, Beechwal, Bikaner-334006, Rajasthan, India. After acceptance of the paper final exactly matching printed version along with a CD prepared in MS word (in Time New Roman Font Face) in compatible format clearly indicating the file name should be submitted together within a period of two weeks.

Length: Contribution should not be exceed 12 pages of the journal on double line spacing (including figures, tables and illustrations) on one side of A-4 (21 x 28 cm) sheet of bond paper with 3 cm wide margin on left, preferably with line numbering. Manuscript in following order: Title, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Acknowledgement (if need be) and References.

Title: It should containing the title of the paper, names(s) of authors9s), address where the work was originally carried out and complete address of main author with e-mail details. A running title of maximum 50 characters should be provided for the running headlines.

Abstract: The paper should be prefaced by an abstract (maximum 250 words) in one block after author(s) name and address details containing brief facts and conclusion.

Key words: Up to six key words (In Italics) should be listed in alphabetical order after the abstract.

Materials and Methods: It should be brief and informative.

Results and Discussion: Experimental findings should be interpreted to explain the scientific reasons for the observed behaviour with definite conclusion.

Acknowledgement: This should be brief and specific.

References: References to publication that are more than 25 years old may be avoided unless they are classical or seminal works. All references should be arranged alphabetically and set out as follows: Surname(s) of author9s), followed by initial(s), year of publication, title of article, title of journal in full, volume number and inclusive page number. Books must include the place of publication, publisher and total number of pages of books cited. Article should not be referred to as "In press" unless it has been accepted for publication.

Amani, A. and Label, T. 1986. Lagrungian Kriging for the estimation of Sahelian rainfall at small time steps. Journal of Hydrology, 192:125-127.

Yoneyama, T., Murakoa, T., Murakani, T. and Boonkerd, N. 1993. Natural abundance of 15 N in tropical plants with emphasis on tree legumes. Plant and Soil, 153(2): 295-304.

Pareek, O. P. 2001. Ber. In: Hughes, A., Haq, N and Smith, R. W. (Ed.), International Centre for Underutilized Fruits, South Hampton, U. K. pp. 290-291 pp. 18. Splittstoesser,

W. E. and Mohamed Yaseen, Y. 1991. In vitro shoot regeneration of tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) and Carob (Ceratonia siliqua) with thidiazuron. In proceeding of the Inter-American Society for Tropical Horticulture. 35-37 Ann. Meeting, Vina-del-mar, Chile. 7-12 Oct: 6-8.

Units and measurements: Unit of measurement must confirm to the SI system. Only standard abbreviations should be used. Expression that include a solider (slash) such as 25 dsm/m may be re-written using a negative component 25 dsm-1. Tables: It should be prepared on a separate sheet of paper numbered consequently in Arabic numerals and attached at the end of text. The preferred position of each tables and figure must be indicated on the manuscript. Illustrations: All diagrams, figures, photographs and other illustrations should be listed as figures and numbered in the order of their first citation in the text. Good quality laser print out (B/W) and graphs only will be acceptable. Letters, numbers, symbol should be clear and even throughout and of sufficient size so that if the abscissa is reduced to half, it will still be legible.

Captions of figures should be provided on its back preferably with soft pencil indicating Figure Number and name of the Author.

Proofs: proofs will normally be sent to the author. Author's should read the proof throughtly and return the corrected proof without delay.

					Reg. No. 128/B/03-04
		ICAR-Central Institute for Arid Horticulture
		Beechwal, Bikaner-334006 (Rajasthan)

			Registration Form

Name (in Block Letter) .............................

Postal Address 	....................................
	............Pin code ..........................
	Phone(O) ........... (R).......................

Permanent Address .........................

Educational Qualification 	...............
Experience (Yrs.)	.......................

Field of specialization	...................

Membership fee
(i) 	Life member 	: Rs. 3100.00
(ii) 	Annual Member 	: Rs. 500.00
(iii) Annual Subscription of the Journal by Govt. Institution: Rs. 2500.00
(iv) One time subscription of the Journal by other organziation (For 10 years) Rs. 10000.00

Mode of payment: 	Cash/DD in favour of Secretary, 
			Indian Society for Arid Horticulture,
			Payable at Bikaner.
Oneline Payment Details: 
Name of Bank: SBI
Branch Name- SBI Sadulganj, Bikaner
Ac/ No. 10077742224, IFSC: SBIN0007260

	I wish to become a life/annual member of the Indian Society
for Arid Horticulture and agree its aims and objectives and abide by 
its rules and regulations.

Place: 							Signature

download form click here

Walk an interview at CHES, Vejelpur on 09.09.2024

Wood Auction on 04.09.2024

Auction : हरी घास/ सेवण/ धामण घास on 04.09.2024

YP's recruitment result held on 28-06-2024

Planting Material Rate List-2024

Walk-in-Interview for YP-II at CHES Vejalpur, Godhara, Gujarat on 15.07.2024

Ber Auction at ICAR-CIAH at Godhara, Gujarat

Walk-in-Interview for YP-I and YP-II at CIAH, Bikaner on 28.06.2024

Office Order For Plant Selling

Date Palm Auction

On Bael Processing

Mango Auction

Joining of Administrative Officer

Naseberry (Chiku) Fruit Auction

Bael Fruit Auction

Office Order for Farm Product and Plant Selling

SEED Sale Day Information

तत्‍क्षण साक्षात्‍कार 09.02.2024, 11.00 AM at KVK-Panchmahal, Gujarat

Ber Auction at ICAR-CIAH, Bikaner

Walk in Interview at Vejalpur Godhara (Gujarat)

Revised Room Rent and consolidated instructins at ICAR Guest House

List of Holidays in 2024

Last date to apply for Winter School ‘Technological Interventions in Potential Arid Horticulture for Enhancing Farmer’s Income’ (30 January, 2024 to 19 February, 2024) has been extended up to 4 January, 2024.

नाकारा सामान की नीतामी हेतु सूचना (बीकानेर)

आंवला फलों की नीलामी सूचना

Technological interventions in potential arid horticultural crops for enhancing farmer’s income.

नाकारा सामान की नीतामी हेतु सूचना (Scientific Instruments, Machinery, Computer, Electronics Items etc.)

नाकारा सामान की नीतामी हेतु सूचना

आंवला फलों की नीलामी सूचना

गवार की नीलामी सूचना

आंवला फलों की नीलामी सूचना- केबापके, वेजलपुर, गुजरात

Seed, Plant and Farm Produce Rates- 23-01-2023

Important Links